Real Estate Blog

Looking online for a home is part of the excitement of finding the perfect place. Unfortunately, a lot of the public data that can be found online provides outdated listing information; such as, properties that have already sold, or properties that are already pending under contract. This is where the importance of a real estate agent comes in. They can direct you to resources that provide more accurate information. Your agent will also be looking on your behalf for new homes that come on the market, so you find out about them immediately. Instead of waiting for it to show up on public resources, in which case, can be too late to get an offer in.

When it comes to finding your perfect house, be sure to take the time to sit down and write out all of features that are a must and all of the features that you would like to have, but aren’t required, and base those needs around a realistic understanding of what the market offers in your price point. Your agent can help you get a better understanding of the type of property you will be able to afford.

Avoid looking at properties far above your price point, because in a heated market, most homes are selling for over asking. Search within your budget, with an open mind that you may not get everything to fit your list perfectly, but you can find a near perfect home that you’ll still fall in love with.