Real Estate Blog

Moving into a new home is an exciting time, filled with anticipation and plenty of tasks to keep you busy. Here is a detailed guide of things to do during your first week to help you settle in and make your new house feel like a home.

1. Change the Locks
It’s crucial to prioritize your safety when moving into a new home. Previous owners, real estate agents, or maintenance crews may still have keys. Therefore, changing the locks ensures you’re the only one with access. Hire a professional locksmith or purchase new lock sets from your local hardware store. Opt for high-quality locks for the best security.

2. Change the Garage Door Code
Along with changing your house locks, resetting your garage door opener code is essential. Garage doors are common entry points, and previous occupants or service people may still know the code. The user manual or online instructions can guide you through the process, or you can contact a local expert for help.

3. Change the Smoke Detector Batteries or Unit
Safety isn’t just about locks and codes, it’s also about being prepared for potential dangers. Smoke detectors are your first line of defense in a fire. Replace the batteries immediately or the entire unit if it’s old or malfunctioning. Consider adding a carbon monoxide detector too, if your home doesn’t already have one.

4. Change the Furnace Filter
Your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system directly impacts your comfort and the quality of the air you breathe. The system’s efficiency can be greatly enhanced by replacing the furnace filter, leading to cleaner air and lower energy costs. If you’re unsure how to change the filter, a local HVAC professional can provide guidance.

5. Clean the Dryer Vent
Preventing fires also means attending to less obvious tasks, like cleaning the dryer vent. Over time, lint accumulates in the vent and can ignite. You can hire a professional to clean the vent or purchase a vent-cleaning brush kit from a hardware store and do it yourself.

6. Find all the Shut-Off Locations
Familiarize yourself with the water, gas, and electrical shut-off locations in your new home. In case of emergencies like leaks or electrical issues, you’ll need to act fast. Locate these and inform all household members of their locations.

7. Figure out Trash and Recycling Pickup Days
Maintaining a clean environment in and around your home is essential. Determine the pickup schedule for trash and recycling services in your new area. You can usually find this information on your local government’s website or by calling the waste management company.

8. Schedule Internet, Television, & Phone Connections
Staying connected with the world is crucial, especially in the digital age. Arrange for your internet, television, and phone services to be set up as soon as possible. Contact your service providers ahead of your move to schedule installation.

9. Find a Trusted Handyman, Plumber & Electrician
Even the best homes may need unexpected repairs. Having reliable professionals at your disposal is invaluable. Seek recommendations from neighbors or check online reviews to find a reputable handyman, plumber, and electrician in your area.

10. Change Your Address
Notify your bank, insurance company, credit card companies, subscription services, and the postal service of your new address. Don’t forget to update your driver’s license and vehicle registration as well. Changing your address ensures your mail arrives at the right place and helps keep your personal information secure.

These tasks may seem like a lot, but tackling them head-on will allow you to settle into your new home more comfortably and securely. Enjoy making your new house a home!